Wednesday, August 2, 2017

arctic henge in raufarhofn

Raufarhöfn is a village located on the northeastern tip of the Melrakkaslétta peninsula inIcelandThe village is the site of a modern monument called the "Arctic Henge" which is aligned to the heavens and is inspired by the mythical world of the Eddic poem Völuspá (Prophecy of the Seeress). Initiated in 1996, the ambitious series of circles and stacked basalt columns are placed according to a complex system based on old Norse mythology. Utilising the ideas of a pastor named Kolbeinn Þorleifsson (who believed dwarves corresponded to seasons in the Edda) there are 72 stones, each one representing a different dwarf name. There are also four gates corresponding to the four seasons, and a range of other symbols to explore.  Along with the outer circle, the final henge will be a massive 52 metres in diameter.


Picture Source: Collected from Internet

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