Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Temple of the Tooth (Royal Palace of Kandy), Sri Lanka

Sri Dalada Maligawa or theTemple of the Sacred Tooth Relic is a Buddhist temple in the city of KandySri Lanka. It is located in the royal palace complex of the formerKingdom of Kandy, which houses the relic of the tooth of the Buddha. Since ancient times, the relic has played an important role in local politics because it is believed that whoever holds the relic holds the governance of the country. 
After the parinirvana of Gautama Buddha, the tooth relicwas preserved in Kalinga and smuggled to the island by Princess Hemamali and her husband, Prince Dantha on the instructions of her father King Guhasiva.[2] They landed in the island in Lankapattana during the reign ofSirimeghavanna of Anuradhapura (301-328) and handed over the tooth relic. The king enshrined it Meghagiri Vihara (present day Isurumuniya) in Anuradhapura. Safeguard of the relic was a responsibility of the monarch, therefore over the years the custodianship of relic became to symbolize the right to rule. Therefore, reigning monarchs built the tooth relic temples quite close to their royal residences

Inside the temple
Picture Source: Collected from Internet

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